Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Using Facebook or Using Twitter

In this modern era, many ways that people use to keep in touch with their friends, their family, or their relatives. Mostly, they use the internet to do it. As we know, there are many kinds of social networking in the internet. Two of them are Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook and the Twitter are very different. The purpose of this essay is to contrast how to use both of them, what are the icons, and what are the benefits to use them.

I am going to discuss about the three aspects of Facebook first. Before using it, be sure that you have been sign in on it. If you want to share everything that you want, you can share it in the box of ‘what’s on your mind?’. After you finish filling it, you can click ‘share’ under the box. The icon of Facebook is consonant ‘f’ in white color and blue color as the background of it. Then, the benefits of Facebook are you can share anything that you want: photos, videos, notes, and your activities; you can be close with other people; Facebook is easy to use.

Second, I am going to discuss about the three aspects of Twitter. Sign in on Twitter is easier than Facebook. Sign in first. Then, you can add more friends by follow their Twitter. If you to share something, you can fill it in ‘what’s happening?’ box. After that, share it by click “tweet’ under the box. If you comment your friends tweet, you can click ‘reply’ under that tweet. The icon of Twitter is a bird that is flying in white and light blue as the background. The benefits to use Twitter are Twitter is more private than Facebook; you can change the theme of it; many famous people use it, so you can be close with them.

These are the differences between Facebook and Twitter. It does not matter what you will use, as long as you can enjoy it. Both of them have same purpose. The purpose is using as a social networking that help many people to connect with their relatives.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

All About Myself

My name is Azri Apriani, everyone calls me Jiji or Zizi. I was born in Padang on April 24, 1992. Actually, I was born in Kisaran, North Sumatera. However, in elementary school, my teacher was wrong to write it in my certificate. I am the first child of my parents. I have brown skin, I have slanting eyes, and I have long black hair. Now, If I want to go anywhere, I always wear a veil. I have two sisters. My second sister is studying in senior high school, she is 16 years old and her name is Rezmia Zuhri. Then, the last is studying in junior high school, she is 14 years old and her name is Anggia Rizty.

Now, I am living in 222 M.Yunus Street RT 05 RW 03 Anduring, Padang. I live with my parents. My father is 46 years old. He is working as a soldier. My mother is 40 years old. She is working as a kindergarten teacher. Then, my hobbies are playing volleyball and listen to the music while dancing. I like it because it can make me feel enjoy and decrease my stress and I almost do it everyday. One of my dreams is become a good and famous dancer, but my mother does not like it. I am a simple person, have a sense of humor, but I am difficult at making new friends because I cannot start a conversation with a new friend or someone else.

When I was 4 years old, I studied in Kemala Bhayangkari kindergarten at Rantau Prapat, but when I was 8 years old my family was moving to Padang because of my father‘s job. I continued my study in Padang at SDN 22 Andalas Padang for three years. After graduating from elementary school, I continued my study to Junior High School Padang for three years. Finally, I continued my study to SMKN 9 Padang.
When I was studying at SMKN 9 Padang, it was boring. I did not like it because the attitude of some students there. They were so talk-active, messy, naughty, and lazy. It made me feel uncomfortable. I had ever told to my mother about it and my mother said that just did it and been yourself.

Now, I am studying in “Universitas Negeri Padang” and majoring at English Department. Actually, I wanted Andalas University, but I failed to enter there. My mother said that not to be disappointed because I still have many ways to get the better one. Then, I entered to “Universitas Negeri Padang”. I was happy at that time, even though I got it in Non Reguler way.

I Am an Everlasting Friend of Super Junior

I have an idol that I really like. They are Super Junior. SM Entertainment is a management that established this group in 2005. Super Junior is a Korean boy band that has thirteen members they are Lee Teuk as a leader, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Yesung, Kyuhyun, Heechul, Siwon, Donghae, Kang In, Shindong, Kibum and Hangeng. I like them because they are good looking, charming and cute. Furthermore, I like their songs and they always perform with good dancing and nice concept.

For the first time, this group appeared with name Super Junior 05 in November 6, 2005 at SBS Inkigayo Show and sang their first single, “Twins (Knock Out)”. Now, Super Junior has released four albums. The first album is “Twins” in 2005, the second is “Don’t Don” in 2007, the third is “Sorry-Sorry” in 2009 and the last is “Bonamana” in 2010. From all these albums, Super Junior became more famous because of the third album with single “Sorry-Sorry” and they made new concept of this album and more stylist of their performance.

Now, Super Junior has gotten 76 awards from their album “Bonamana”. These awards do not include to other categories yet. Super Junior still has many awards that they have gotten from other categories.

In 2009 is a difficult year for Super Junior, because three of their members temporary could not join with some reasons. They are Kibum, Kang In and Hangeng. Kibum was breaking because he must graduate his Act Education in U.S. Kang In must follow army obligated for two years. Hangeng could not join anymore because he felt SM Entertainment was unfair to him. Therefore, Super Junior has ten members now, but Lee Soo Man (leader of SM Entertainment) said that Kang In and Kibum will be joining next year. So, Super Junior has ten members that still active until now. They are Leeteuk, Siwon, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Heechul, Sungmin, and Shindong.

Super Junior has some subgroup. They are Super Junior K.R.Y, Super Junior T, Super Junior M and Super Junior Happy. Super Junior K.R.Y is abbreviation of Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung. Super Junior T or Super Junior Trot, Trot is kind of old song in South Korea. The members are Lee Teuk, Heechul, Kang In, Sungmin, Shindong and Eunhyuk. Super Junior M or Super Junior Mandarin, it calls Mandarin because their song’s lyrics in Mandarin. The members are Siwon, Ryeowook, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Henry and Zhou Mi. Then, Super Junior Happy is a subgroup that sings happiness songs with members are Eunhyuk, Lee Teuk, Yesung, Kang In, Shindong and Sungmin.

Every year, Super Junior makes concerts in some countries as their annual events and it calls Super Show. Super Junior has just finished their Super Show 3 in Vietnam last month. It was successful concert. Next year, they will hold Super Show 4 and it will hold in many countries. I really hope, Indonesia will include to their concert list. If it happens, I will do everything to see their concert in Indonesia later.

Super Junior called their fans is an ELF, Everlasting Friends, because Super Junior hopes they will be forever friends to them.

Muharram Celebration

Muharram is an Islam New Year or many people have known it as Hijriah New Year. On the first of Muharram, Muslim people celebrate it in many ways such as held a MTQ competition, firelight parade and many Islam competitions. The purpose of these events is to welcome the new day of Islam and hope in that new year will be better than before.

Before that day come, Muslim people will prepare what they need to celebrate it like firelights, tambourines and some instruments. Padang Government usually makes some events, for example MTQ Competition, Adzan Competition, Speech Competition and Islamic Parade. These events usually hold at Imam Bonjol Park.

In the afternoon at that day will be held some competitions and at night will be done a firelights parade. Before the parade, some of Muslim people who visit these events will hear some speeches from Deputies of Government. In this parade, all of people will yell out Takbir together while playing some instruments.

The parade more cheerful when The Government gives many door prizes. At the end of parade, there will be a group that wins the parade because they are the most active and the most creative group. In addition, there will be an exhibition and bazaar; it makes the events more interesting.

The conclusion is Padang’s Government makes many events and competitions to celebrate Muharram’s day. The purpose of this events is to thankful to Allah about the Islam New Year.

What a Nice Hometown

Padang is a capital city of West Sumatera that located on West Coast of Sumatera Island. Padang has some beautiful beaches and unique tourism places. Padang has famous folklore about Siti Nurbaya and Malin Kundang legend. Then, Padang has a museum that located in the centre of Padang city, it name is Adityawarman Museum. This museum special appears about history and culture of Minangkabau tribe, Mentawai tribe and Nias tribe. This museum has 6000 collections and the architecture of it like a Gajah Maharam. Then, in front of it has two rice-barns.

In the Muara Harbor area, there are many old buildings since Dutch period such as Muhammadan mosque that had built by Indian community in 1843 and Kwan Im Temple’s name is See Hin Kiong in 1861. There is a Siti Nurbaya bridge that connected to Padang Mountain. People believe, there is a Siti Nurbaya’s cemetery.
After that, at Teluk Bayur Harbor has a tourism place like Air Manis Beach where the Malin Kundang’s stone standing. Continue to the south from the centre of Padang city, there are some beaches like Caroline Beach, Bungus Beach and a resort on Sikuai Island.

In Koto Tangah also has Pasir Jambak Beach and nature area Lubuk Minturun that famous of the place where people go to Balimau tradition in a day before Ramadahan’s day.
Padang also became famous because of the traditional foods that have known as Indonesian taste. These foods are also famous to other countries. These popular foods are curry, Rendang, Ayam Pop, Spicy Egg plant, Gulai Itik Cabe Hijau, Nasi Kapau, Padang Satay and Sanjai cracker. You can try it all in Padang and the differences in my hometown.
That is all about my hometown. Many tourism places in Padang and culture places that you can visit, especially the beaches.

My Lovely Family

In this life, everybody absolutely has people that they love. They can love someone around them or someone who is far away, but still keep communication each other. People that they love could be in our family, friends, classmates, and it could be a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

I also have people that I love in my life. They are my family. The first is my mother. She is 40 years old. She is working as a kindergarten teacher. I could grow up because of her. Therefore, I will do everything for making her proud of me. If I want to do something wrong, suddenly I remember her face and it can remind not to do that. If she is far away from me, I do not know why, I really miss and I feel worried about herself. ‘My mother is my soul’ that is the good words for showing my love to her. Sometimes, she gets angry to me and my sisters and it could difficult to stop. I know that is a way from many ways to show her love to her children.

The second is my father. He is 46 years old. He is working as a soldier. My father is a person who is never angry to me or to my sisters, he just gives some advises. Beside that, he has some bad habits that I really do not like and sometimes it makes me angry. I only can meet him once or twice a week because he is working out of Padang city.

After that, I love my two sisters. They names are Mia and Anggi. Mia is my second sister and she is 16 years old. I love her because she always hears my advises to her, although she is a lazy girl. Anggi is my last sister. She is 14 years old. Sometimes, I joke with her because she is a humorist girl.

Family is an important thing in my life because they always give me supports when I am down. I do not know what I should say about how much I love them. I only can express it by my action and my attention. I know everyone has same feeling with me.